Corporate Social Responsibility

Als Teil der internationalen Gemeinschaft wollen wir die globalen Nachhaltigkeitsziele gemeinsam mit unseren Mitarbeitenden nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen unterstützen.

Christoph Kerstein – Firmeninhaber, hameln pharma

Bei hameln pharma sind wir uns unserer entscheidenden Rolle bei der Gestaltung einer nachhaltigen und verantwortungsbewussten Zukunft bewusst – nicht nur aufgrund der Art unserer Produkte, sondern auch aufgrund unserer festen Überzeugungen. Deshalb implementieren wir soziale Verantwortung in allen unseren Geschäftsbereichen. Unser Unternehmen hat sich verpflichtet, verantwortungsvoll gemäß den 10 Prinzipien des UN Global Compact zu handeln und innovative Lösungen zur Erreichung der Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung (SDGs) voranzutreiben.

Bei der Auswahl unserer Lieferanten konzentrieren wir uns bewusst auf Partnerschaften mit Unternehmen aus der europäischen Region. Wir sind überzeugt, dass diese Wahl nicht nur dazu beiträgt, unseren CO2-Fußabdruck zu minimieren, sondern auch verantwortungsvolle und nachhaltige Lieferketten fördert.

Um sicherzustellen, dass unsere Werte und Prinzipien sowohl in unserer Zusammenarbeit mit externen Partnern als auch intern im Unternehmen eingehalten werden, haben wir einen Verhaltenskodex, unseren Code of Business Conduct, implementiert. Dieser dient als Rahmen für unsere Zusammenarbeit und gewährleistet, dass unsere Geschäftspraktiken ethisch, fair und nachhaltig sind. Die Einhaltung aller ausländischen und inländischen Gesetze ist für uns selbstverständlich und ein integraler Bestandteil unserer Rahmenverträge mit unseren Lieferanten. Wir legen großen Wert darauf, dass unsere Geschäftsprozesse transparent sind und den geltenden Gesetzen entsprechen.

Der respektvolle Umgang mit unseren Mitarbeitern und der nachhaltige Einsatz unserer Ressourcen sind für uns von zentraler Bedeutung. Diese Werte sind fest in unserer Unternehmenskultur und Vision „hameln pharma brings opportunities for life. We believe that the true value of our life-saving medicines should be measured in much more than numbers” verankert.

Als Unternehmen im Gesundheitswesen müssen wir mit gutem Beispiel vorangehen und anerkennen, dass die Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden der Menschen untrennbar mit der Gesundheit des Planeten verbunden sind.

Code of Business Conduct (en)hameln pharma group of companies

Working for people’s wellbeing is deeply ingrained in our company’s DNA. Our driving force is the understanding that we can all be patients. As a fourth-generation family run company, we have been established since 1890 and have contributed to the supply of vital medicines in a variety of ways. Regardless of borders or regions, what counts for us are binding values and ethical principles, our corporate values and guidelines. They are an integral part of our corporate philosophy and define the way we conduct our business on a daily basis.

The Code of Business Conduct (“Code”) supports and strengthens our operations in accordance with our values. In addition to the specific standards mentioned in this Code, we conduct all our business in a manner that is characterised by compliance with and respect for laws and regulations, contracts and other undertakings, as well as sound and fair business practices.

hameln pharma strives to build long-term relationships with customers, suppliers and other business partners based on the principles of mutual trust and confidence. We expect them to conduct their own business in a manner that does not conflict with this Code. At the same time, we show respect for and recognition of the justified compliance requirements of our business partners.


1        Legality and Commitment to Ethical Business Conduct

We, at hameln pharma are committed to the highest standards of ethical business conduct and integrity in all our global business practices. We undertake our best efforts to ensure that we comply with all applicable laws and other legislation, regulations and general and specific obligations, agreements, guidelines and good business practices in all our operations within the scope of our influence. We keep accurate documents and records of our activities in order to ensure full regulatory and financial accountability.

2       Product Quality and Safety

Our top priority is the safety and quality of the pharmaceutical products we supply. We commit to complying with all applicable regulations and standards, ensuring that our products meet the highest quality and safety standards.
We store, transport and handle our products in a safe manner. We endeavour to prevent the unsafe use of any medicines supplied by us.

3       Labour conditions and human rights

We commit to respecting human rights and ensuring that our business activities do not result in violations of these rights. Discrimination, forced labor, and child labor are not tolerated in any form. We adhere to the UN Declaration of Human Rights, which include inter alia freedom of opinion and religion, equality and the prohibition of discrimination. As an employer, we comply with the International Labour Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.

4       Working conditions and Employee Rights

We provide our employees with safe and healthy working conditions and respect their rights to freedom of association and collective bargaining. We promote diversity, equality, and inclusion in our workforce. We treat our employees fairly and ensure that they are not subjected to any form of harassment, discrimination or abuse.
We commit ourselves to comply with all laws and regulations relating to health and safety. We apply appropriate procedures and controls in order to implement our goal to have zero work-related accidents or incidents.

5       Environment and Sustainability

We commit ourselves to comply with all laws and regulations relating to protection of the environment within the scope of our influence. We aim to minimise the environmental impact of our operations and to use natural resources efficiently. To that end, we are committed to continuously improving our internal procedures, policies and guidelines and will promote sustainable practices in our business operations. We adhere, where applicable, to relevant environmental programs, commitments and regulations.

6       Anti-bribery and corruption prevention

We do not engage in any form of illegal corruption, bribery or extortion, whether in relation to public authorities and officials, in relation to our business partners or in relation to any third parties. No hameln pharma employee will, whether on his or her own behalf or on behalf of any hameln pharma entity, accept or offer any direct or indirect benefits that are or may be intended to promote illegal, inappropriate or improper business or personal gain. All hameln pharma employees are subject to the strict obligation to avoid situations where their personal interests may conflict with those of hameln pharma or its shareholders or its business partners. We will not under any circumstances accept any form of money laundering.

7       Fair competition

We commit ourselves to comply with all applicable, national and international, laws and regulations relating to fair competition and antitrust in all our business activities. We do not engage in activities that might restrain or distort fair competition. Our conduct in relation to our competitors is characterised by fairness, integrity and honesty.

8       Risk Management and Compliance

We actively identify and address risks associated with our business practices and comply with applicable regulations and standards. We support training and education programs for our employees to ensure they understand and adhere to relevant policies.

9       Data protection

We recognise that the information received by us from our employees, customers, suppliers and other business partners may be of confidential, proprietary, privileged or otherwise sensitive nature. We take appropriate steps in order to protect all such information and to prevent any improper disclosure or misuse thereof.

10       Lethal injections

As part of our corporate responsibilities, we continually ensure the safe use of our products. Therefore, we have robust systems in place so that a product is supplied only for the purposes for which it is intended. Some of our pharmaceuticals are known to be used in lethal injection “protocols” as a form of capital punishment in certain countries.
For supply of these medicines for export we require confirmation of the country of final destination and confirm that this country does not use lethal injection as a form of capital punishment.

11       Business Partnerships and Supplier Relationships

We expect our business partners and suppliers to respect our values and standards regarding ethics, quality, environmental protection, and human rights. We foster long-term, fair, and transparent business relationships.

12       Transparancy and Reporting

We are committed to being transparent about our business practices and reporting progress on ESG goals. We will disclose information about our performance in these areas.

13       Monitoring, enforcement and development of the code

Adherence to the standards mentioned in this Code is considered an integral part of the everyday work of each employee, regardless of his or her position. Every employee of hameln pharma is responsible for adhering to this Code of Business Conduct. Our internal processes are designed to facilitate the compliance with this Code as well as the detection and rectification of any irregularities or deviations. Violations of these guidelines will be taken seriously and handled appropriately.  Both as a group and as individuals, we continuously set goals and targets for ourselves in order to achieve sustainable development in the way we serve our customers.


We are aware of our responsibility to make a positive contribution to society and the environment. This Code of Business Conduct serves as the foundation for our business ethics and commitment to Environmental, Social and Governance principles.

hameln pharma gmbh

Beate Küter, CEO


Global Quality Policy (en)hameln pharma group of companies

hameln pharma specializes in the development, licensing and marketing of generic injectable medicines. As a European family-owned company, we are committed to the reliable and safe supply of life-saving medicines worldwide. Our products are used in hospitals, pharmacies, outpatient surgery centers, medical practices, and palliative care.

At hameln pharma, our vision is to bring opportunities to life for patients, partners and colleagues. We believe that the true value of our life-saving medicines should be measured in much more than numbers. Our highly motivated team, inspired by our vision and values, is passionate about making a real difference to people’s lives today and in the future.

Our vision and values do not only describe the essential purpose or task that hameln pharma pursues. They are also a promise to the quality with which we carry out our work and of the products we deliver.

We have a dedicated multi-site quality management team, with every employee being an essential part of our Quality Management System and committed to the accomplishment of their responsibilities.

hameln pharma is subject to regulations, regular inspections, and authorizations granted by national competent authorities, aiming at ensuring the quality, safety, and efficacy of our products. Global and local pharmaceutical regulations form the basis for hameln pharma’s quality policy, which covers all relevant steps in the product life cycle.

We have established Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) throughout the organization, covering various areas of capabilities and requiring fully integrated processes. Where country-specific SOPs have been created to meet local needs, they align with our Global Quality Policy.

Our SOPs address the following:

Continuous improvement: Quality Management, Quality Assurance,  monitoring and training

Purchasing, production and delivery: Good Manufacturing Practises, Good Distribution Practises

Promotion: Good Promotion Practises, Sunshine act, reliable medical information

Vigilance: Good Pharmacovigilance Practices

Environmental protection: Resource management, waste reduction

All of our employees are trained on the relevant SOPs for the accomplishment of their daily tasks. The performance is checked during internal and external audits and measured by efficient, achievable, and pertinent indicators to ensure hameln pharma’s corporate mission to public health. We commit to excellence by establishing, maintaining, and continuously improving our Global Quality Policy to provide the best products to our patients.

hameln pharma gmbh

Beate Küter, CEO                           Dr. Wibke Palme, Director Quality Management

Environmental Policyhameln pharma group of companies

1        Purpose

The need to protect the environment is a view supported by hameln pharma. This policy has been established to enhance energy management efficiency within our company, minimise the environmental impact of our business activities and thus contribute to environmental protection and sustainability.

2       Responsibilities

Management: The management is responsible for the implementation of this policy and must ensure that all employees adhere to it.

Energy Management Officer: The energy management officer will coordinate energy management, identify, and implement measures, and monitor the energy efficiency of the company.

3       Environmental Statement

hameln pharma is committed to:

  • Protecting the environment to the best possible outcome while carrying out its activities.
  • Complying with and fulfilling all legal and compliance obligations relevant to its operations.
  • Continuing to improve on its environmental impact by carrying out regular review and setting new targets.

4       Environmental Policy

To achieve the above, hameln pharma will establish sound environmental management by:

  • Meeting or improving upon relevant legislative, regulatory and environmental codes of practice.
  • Considering environmental issues in the decision-making process.
  • Developing a relationship with suppliers and contractors so that we all recognise our environmental responsibilities.
  • Educating staff so that they carry out their activities in an environmentally responsible manner.
  • Procuring energy-efficient equipment only and upgrading equipment to state-of-the-art technology where feasible.

Provide for effective use of resources by:

  • Centrally controlling temperature and ventilation systems with heat recovery
  • Generating electricity through our own PV-System
  • Utilizing LED lightning with motion sensors, and installing water-saving fixtures
  • Implementing a comprehensive waste sorting system to ensure proper waste management and recycling
  • Promoting the efficient use of resources, energy, and fuel throughout hameln pharma ’s operations.

Co-operate with:

  • The communities in which we operate.
  • The government, regulatory bodies and other interested parties

Employees should make every effort within their sphere of control to minimise any adverse effect of hameln pharma on the environment. Examples include:

  • Planning journeys to minimise the fuel used on hameln pharma business.
  • Save paper, prefer digital documents instead of printouts and sign documents digitally.

5       Performance Evaluation and Continuous improvement

The management and the Energy Management officer are responsible for regularly reviewing progress and results. The effectiveness of the measures will be measured using key performance indicators such as energy consumption.

This policy for improving energy management and reducing energy consumption is a dynamic document. It will be regularly revised and updated to ensure alignment with the latest standards and best practices.

6       Communication

This policy will be made accessible to all employees and is part of the company’s culture. Every employee is encouraged to actively contribute to the implementation of this policy and submit improvement suggestions. This policy is also publicly available to all suppliers and subcontractors on our company’s website.

7       Effectiveness

This policy is effective as of 01.02.2024 and applies to all areas of the hameln pharma group of companies. Every employee is responsible for complying with this policy and is encouraged to actively contribute to reducing energy consumption.


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